Oct 16, 2014

Thal at Cal: Nutrition DeCal, by Mohith Subbharao

Mohith Subbharao
For any person, nutrition and exercise are necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle and succeed in all aspects of common day-to-day life. For someone with Thalassemia, these things are even more imperative. Without proper nutrition and regular exercise, the symptoms of Thalassemia patients will only get progressively worse. However, if Thalassemia patients can make extra efforts to dramatically improve their nutritional intake and exercise habits, their symptoms may actually become less severe than the average patient.

Dr. Ellen B. Fung, PHD RD CCD is an Associate Research Scientist at the Children’s Hospital & Research Center, Oakland. Through her research, she has discovered a vast amount of information that all Thalassemia patients should know. There are several nutrients humans need every day to maintain a normal lifestyle. Dr. Fung’s research has found that Thalassemia patients are often deficient in many essential vitamins (Fung Lecture Slide 8). To combat this, Dr. Fung advises patients to take multivitamin supplements daily. Fung also stresses the importance of taking extra Vitamin D and not taking any iron supplements (to avoid further increasing chance of iron overload). She adds that many Thalassemia patients suffer from low bone mass and that additional zinc supplements should be taken to help combat this.

In addition to her research on nutrition, Dr. Fung has also stressed the importance of physical activity. She has found that “exercise capacity is reduced in Thalassemia patients, due to anemia and iron-mediated cardiotoxicity” (Fung Lecture Slide 46). Because of this, she advises that Thalassemia patients should work even harder to make exercise a regular habit. With exercise, patients can help maintain body weight, increase bone mass, improve mood and decrease depression (Fung Lecture Slide 44). Obviously, Dr. Fung understands how tough this may be so she advises patients to work their way up. She believes that “patients should start with small attainable goals, work up to 30 min/day 5x/wk…make it fun and something they can stick to” (Fung Lecture Slide 55).

Thalassemia is a disease that patients have to deal with throughout their lives. However, if they can follow Dr. Fung’s advise on nutrition & exercise, they can significantly improve their day-to-day lifestyle and make the effects of Thalassemia less severe.

All information about Nutrition & Exercise is summarized from Dr. Fung’s lecture, “Nutrition & Exercise”, given at the Thal At Cal Decal course on October 6th, 2014. .

Mohith Subbarao is a student in the Fall 2014 "Thal at Cal" DeCal on thalassemia. This article is his independent project for the course.

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